I finally got started with CrossFit. Two days this week, but today I just haven't been put together. I'm not sure if I'm having a sugar crash or getting sick, but I feel so fatigued and weak it's a bit unnerving. I have been eating Paleo for a few days/week now and enjoying it a lot. I've focused mostly on cutting out bread/starches and sugar. Haven't been that great about the sugar - had a coke yesterday (which might explain the fatigue today, almost).
Overall though this has been a great experience and I've started trying a lot of foods I normally wouldn't like mushrooms or onions. I'll be hitting the Paleo cookbooks this weekend as the standard stir fry some veggies and mix it with XX meat is getting slightly old.
CrossFit hasn't been as terrible as I thought it would be. Terrible as in grinding my soul to dust on the floor. They break their sessions into a few phases
- Warm up - Can consist of an endurance type of warm up (pushups, situps, double-unders, long jumps) or a strength type warm-up (with a barbell doing overhead press, clean and jerk, overhead squat)
- Mobility - Consists of movements to increase your flexibility and to help with recovery (leg swings, hip stretches, placing a tennis ball between your shoulder and wall to massage out the muscles)
- Skill - This section focuses on teaching a movement that is used in CrossFit and working towards perfecting the movement (muscle up, kipup)
- Strength - So far this has been the core of the time at the gym. They may focus on getting to a 1 rep max squat/deadlift/benchpress or work up to a good solid set of 3x5's for any given exercise
- WOD/MetCon - "Workout of the day" or...(I don't really know what my gym's "MetCon" means) is the main high-intensity training at the gym. This can be as quick as 6 minutes or as long as 20 or more. This seems to focus on high intensity at all times. So far I've done Tabata Sprints and Tabata Knee-ups, which is basically interval training. There are a lot of other combinations out there, such as doing three rounds of certain exercises for time, or doing as many repetitions of an exercise as you can in an allotted time.
- Finisher - There is normally a finisher such as doing 10 l-sit attempts or doing situps/back extensions.
3x5 Bench
135 lbs
1 RM Front Squat
135 lbs
Tabata Sprints (20 sec work, 10 sec rests, 8 minutes, 10 yards)
18 rounds
Looking forward to the weekend as time to recover from whatever is wrong with me right now and also get prepared for this makeup exam I have on Tuesday. I also have a second interview with the IT Manager at UT for the helpdesk assistant position. I need to crunch some numbers to ensure I'll be alright financially if I take a new job and the painful pay cut that comes along with it.
Next semester is looking like math, philosophy, computer science (C++) and the second half of western civilization. I have to get my holds on my account cleared by the Arts and Science adviser even though I met with the Engineering advisor. Bah to regulations and guidelines. The A&S advisors aren't available until the 16th of November, and my registration opens today but I won't be able to start. Doh!
Here's to a peaceful, warm weekend.
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