Monday, November 8, 2010

Kettlebell smash

I was really looking forward to the workout this morning. It was a very lazy weekend, and I strayed a bit (read: lot) from Paleo guidelines.

3x5 front squat @ 135 - I think I have the feel for the front squat down, although it is still a bit awkward. Back went out/wobbled a few times at the lowest point of the squat

5 RM bench press @ 135 - I finally was able to bench 135. It's about damn time. Failure on the last rep but it felt good overall.

Metcon - 7's - 1 arm OH Kettlebell swing / weighted situp (35/50) (~3:50) - 7, 6, 5, 4, etc of doing overhead kettlebell swings and then down to doing weighted situps. The 50 lb kettle hurt my arm/shoulder like a bitch. I don't think I have the movement down, so I went with doing 35 lb for the metcon. It was a bit too easy, unfortunately there is no in-between the 35/50 lbs.

Goals for the week are to do three more Crossfit workouts and stay away from sugar all week.

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